Anyhow, tomorrow is June. I know. Jubilance at the amazing weather we've been having mixed with the knowledge that cold is just a few months away. *sigh
So ~ I've got a few fabrics that need to be something awesome for June - which is going to be full of fun summery goodness. I wanted to just put up one but I couldn't choose just one so here is what I narrowed it down to with help from the illustrious Becky : )
I don't have much of this one (about a meter) but I love love it. Maybe a skirt of some kind?
(a slightly heavyish probably cotton)
(a slightly heavyish probably cotton)
I think my mamma gave me this one - I have tons - what to do....
(regular old cotton)
More flowers. But it's so soft I can't wait to make something.
(super soft maybe a tiny bit stretchy cotton (I think) but definitely not knit)
Help me out. What do these fabrics want to be this month?
And just because ~ this is what I like to do Friday mornings with my girl ~
myfm - heard this at work last night - another reason to dance in the middle of the floor at work : )