Friday, May 31, 2013

What to do...June - Summer

I know it's not exactly been progressing this month, at least not where you can see.  I've resigned myself to the fact that sometimes life just happens and occasionally when it happens in certain ways this won't.  Roll with the punches so to speak. 

Anyhow, tomorrow is June.  I know.  Jubilance at the amazing weather we've been having mixed with the knowledge that cold is just a few months away.   *sigh

So ~ I've got a few fabrics that need to be something awesome for June - which is going to be full of fun summery goodness.  I wanted to just put up one but I couldn't choose just one so here is what I narrowed it down to with help from the illustrious Becky : )

I don't have much of this one (about a meter) but I love love it.  Maybe a skirt of some kind?
(a slightly heavyish probably cotton)

I think my mamma gave me this one - I have tons - what to do....
 (regular old cotton)

More flowers.  But it's so soft I can't wait to make something
(super soft maybe a tiny bit stretchy cotton (I think) but definitely not knit) 
Help me out.  What do these fabrics want to be this month?

And just because ~ this is what I like to do Friday mornings with my girl ~


myfm - heard this at work last night - another reason to dance in the middle of the floor at work : )


  1. Clothes are not really my forte. Give me a few choices on what you might make for each.

    1. 1.not
      2.anything that would go well
      3.with combat boots...

      Yeah, that. Or skirts of some kind.

  2. You forgot to list what kind of fabric each is. If any of them are knits then I think this pattern would be nice for any of them

    1. I think that may just work for the blue one. We'll see. Thanks Ashley~

  3. So. When I really look at the first pattern, I see a funky tank top. Maybe a halter top, or maybe a tank with the a kinda square-ish design to it with medium-thickness straps. I could draw you a picture... ;)

    The third one I think would be super cute as a pair of shorts! Like trouser-style. It'd be a super fun thing to dress up or keep casual, and it'd be unusual.

    1. Unusual shorts you say? Challenge accepted.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I don't know if you've already used the fabrics, but I think the pink would look cute as a dress like this Something along the peasant dress style

    I think the first pattern would make a fun vest.. use it for the front of the vest, and then pull one of the colors (like the magenta pink or navy blue) in a sheer fabric for the back.

    1. I really like that dress in the link. I don't think the pink fabric is light enough for that one ~ however, I will keep that link up and maybe maybe work something into next month : )
