On the way to work …
sweet girl of mine - Mom, why don’t you like zombies?
me - …..Because…they’re…dangerous?
kiddo - Why are they dangerous?
me - All they do is try to eat people love. But it’s okay because they’re just pretend.
kiddo - They’re pretend!?
me - …….yes?
kiddo - You mean…they’re not really in this world?
me - no baby. They’re really not in this world. Just pretend.
kiddo - oh……………..really??........So they just pretend eat your brains??
…I’m going to go home and look them up on the computer.
She doesn't really believe in santa but I've just shattered her world with the knowledge that zombies are in fact make believe. May she never ask me about unicorns.
Pinterest again - because they keep asking
Reason 42 I love this place. Random Ladybug landing while I'm chillin on one badass porch with amazing music from some lovely string playing ladies next door.

I expect you will be called on to move fluidly between opposing camps or competing interests or different realities. Maybe you'll volunteer to serve as an arbiter between the crabby good guys and the righteous bad guys. Perhaps you'll try to decode one friend's quirky behavior so that another friend can understand it. You might have to interpret my horoscopes for people who think astrology is bunk. You may even have to be a mediator between your own heart and head, or explain the motivations of your past self to your future self. You can't be perfect, of course. There will be details lost in translation. But if you're as patient as a saint and as tricky as a crow, you'll succeed.
Figures. That seems to be what I've been doing for the past week already. *sigh
Pinterest again - because they keep asking
Reason 42 I love this place. Random Ladybug landing while I'm chillin on one badass porch with amazing music from some lovely string playing ladies next door.
And because I didn't grab a paper yet here it is straight from the site~I expect you will be called on to move fluidly between opposing camps or competing interests or different realities. Maybe you'll volunteer to serve as an arbiter between the crabby good guys and the righteous bad guys. Perhaps you'll try to decode one friend's quirky behavior so that another friend can understand it. You might have to interpret my horoscopes for people who think astrology is bunk. You may even have to be a mediator between your own heart and head, or explain the motivations of your past self to your future self. You can't be perfect, of course. There will be details lost in translation. But if you're as patient as a saint and as tricky as a crow, you'll succeed.
Figures. That seems to be what I've been doing for the past week already. *sigh
myfm~just one? I don't think so. I've been chilling to the Civil Wars a lot this week but while I've got this going tonight I guess it's Paramore. Pretty much their whole album Brand New Eyes. Thanks for getting me moving today Hayley and co.
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