Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday randomness

It's raining.
That's an understatement. 

It's jumped the bank again.  Not as bad as last time though.  Let's hope it doesn't reach the bridge and my front porch again.  I know it doesn't look like much but it's at least 6 feet higher than usual right now.


Anyhow ~  We (She did.  I took the first of a few naps) watched Mulan this morning.  Though she claims to not like it (what?!?) she ended up making her very own recreation ~

There she is in her armor.  And Mushu on three cannons (fireworks) that exploded on his booty. 



Somehow they never get it all into the paper though.  Here's what's missing ~

You understand that you can never own love, right? No matter how much someone adores you today, no matter how much you adore someone, you can't force that unique state of grace to keep its shape forever. It will inevitably evolve or mutate, perhaps into a different version of tender caring, but maybe not. From there it will continue to change, into either yet another version of interesting affection, or who knows what else?

Mr. Rob Brenzy, your timing is impeccable. 

This has been my week I guess.  Pin I found this week.  You'll have to excuse my nostalgic tendencies at the moment.  Self has a mind of it's own now and then. (always)
I guess to round out the ridiculous day, I was woken up with Can't Shake You and now it's a ridiculous mashup of that and See You Again.  I'm all about listening to mySelf but it's getting ridiculous.  It is what it is I guess.

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