Sunday, July 28, 2013


Well, hi.

You don't have a library card??? 
Hells no.
Seriously, just walk away.

pin silliness : D

oooo but this one too since it's a month for dresses and all ~

True story.

A slightly late this week shoutout from the freewill peoples, for no other reason that than it amuses me~

"There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm," wrote the novelist Willa Cather. According to my reading of the astrological omens, Taurus, you're in a phase of your cycle when storm-learning isn't your priority. The educational experiences you need most will unfold when you're exploring the mysteries of peace and serenity. In fact, I suspect that the deeper you relax, the more likely it is that you will attract life-changing teachings -- lessons that can transform your life for the better and fuel you for a long time. 



Reason 42 I effin love this place.  The "spontaneous community art program" has brightened my day once again.


And now for something actually sewing related.  I am moving (yays!) and can't stop to make dresses (terrible) but here is a little something at least.  The being said please bear with me I need to get some things done including an exciting new project for a beautiful friend of mine (and yes there will be pictures it's gonna be awesome!) before I continue with a few more dresses and some exciting new goodies for next month.

Probably two years ago I was at a store moving sale and they had this roll of god awful upholstery fabric.  Just sitting there on the roll by itself it really looked terrible, but I work with kids and saw potential.  I asked and they were nice enough to donate it. *yays
The room I spend most of my time in at work is half covered by windows, like in this picture but times three.  I gravitate towards sunshine usually but the room is south facing and everyone would end up blinded for two hours or so every morning. 
They didn't end up as anything 'special' but with a little bit of green on the bottom it kind of looks like we have stained glass windows across the room with the sun coming up behind them. I may have found the only suitable use for this mess of colors, and I think they turned out pretty amazing. 
The point is - don't knock a piece of fabric/book/car/house/person by your initial reaction to what you can see.  It's much more fulfilling to see the potential in everything around you than to shut it out because it doesn't fit some culturally made description of what pretty/smart/respectful/classy/insert your own personal favorite adjective here is.  There is something beautiful in damn near everything if you're grounded enough to be open to the possibilities.


myfm ~ Been in my head for a few days but it's catchy and I like it.  Safe and Sound from Capitol City

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Rainbow Spinny Dress

I've had a lot going on this week.  I can't believe I haven't posted anything in a whole week.  Bear with me.  Lots of stuffs goin on for the next month or so but I'll be around  : )

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ day I go back to the newly opened Joann's in my area to get more of what I had gotten the week before (amazingly soft and light cotton/silk blend).  When I got in and there wasn't any, I was for once content to leave with nothing. *gasp*  However, my sweet little lady had another idea.  As usual, she comments on a fabric in each aisle:  Wow, this is beautiful - or - Look at this one mom!   But this time, she happens upon this cotton fabric with a black background and randomly shaped and colored flowers. 

"Ooooooo mooooom this one is sooooooo beauuutifuuulllll!"  Well, it's alright,  I think to myself.  I convince her to walk with me and she just stops and says,

"But mom, we didn't pick up that beautiful fabric!  It's just sitting there and someone else might pick it up and then it will be gone and there wouldn't be any more and it was sooo beauuutifulll."

She's really starting to get upset.  She's never been so attached to a piece of fabric before - so we go to look at it and she tells me what a nice spinny dress it would make and of course we end up going to get a yard and a half cut.  It ended up being $6 something for all of it instead of $15 so I can't really complain.  I know how it is to be hopelessly enamored with a piece of fabric, and who am I to deny the beginning of my sweet girl's love of fabricy things.

I sat down with a ridiculously small amount of minutes left in the day and an idea, and somehow I managed to make it work in a few hours, with no pattern or little person to try it on (did I mention I should have been sleeping?) but I ended up with something that was really pretty great.

After ranting about it to anyone who would listen for a week or so she finally had her magical spinny rainbow dress and loves it. 

Don't let the angelic sleeping girl picture fool you, it's all a big scam.  Seconds later......


I took a picture of her more recently in it but I can't find it right now.  Maybe (or not) I will get it updated later.  It would be helpful to see what she actually looks like standing up in it...
Because I didn't get to it earlier this week, and because it made me laugh, here it is for this week

Am I willing to put up with more crap.  That is the ultimate question isn't it.  Don't see how I really have a choice.  Bring it on.


Funny pin this week

Totally would do this.  Which would probably be followed up with a somewhat heated discussion about why it couldn't possibly be incorrect as it very literally followed the directions.  Which I would win whether it got a passing grade or not. Because it's awesome.
So very much music going on this week.  But this one I have heard a few times and it is so very lovely ~ See Beneath Your Beautiful
I can't wait until my sweet girl starts randomly singing this one : )

Saturday, July 13, 2013

light spotty dress for my girl

This was kind of a spontaneous endeavor that kind of worked out I guess.  I don't love love the dress but kiddo does so I guess that's all that counts. 

So, I got this dress at the bins,

and then I came home and put it on this zombie.  (but it's okay mom, zombies don't exist in this world)
A slightly better view of the thing ~

It looked pretty straight forward so I just got started.  Seriously, I just laid out some fabric and cut it a bit.  Nothing particularly creative but really it is an easy dress to make.  Lots of gathering but easy.  I added an extra line of....gather???...because I thought it would look better and it does.  Other than that, here's a dress.
A two hand heart rating is not too shabby.
That's about it.  I think my zombie girl has recovered.
myfm ~ Pokey Lafarge again.  And again...good lord that man knows how to play a harmonica.  And again - I mean come on - he breaks out a kazoo in a good way...yes, apparently it's possible.   I got to see their s.p.e.c.t.a.c.u.l.a.r. show last night at the Grey Eagle and it was amazing.  And now it's got my girl dancing around the room.  Good times.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

mid week randomness

Well, hello Wednesday.

Our Wednesday began at BattleCat Coffee Bar.  Pretty spiffy way to start a day.  I didn't make it there Sunday because I had to work ridiculously early for a Sunday and I was missing it so we made a not quick at all stop there.  Sweet girl becomes instant friends with anyone within 20 feet of the place and we end up chatting with some pretty nifty people.   
This however, is random story time.  Domo-kun and rabbit (he is holding his two arms out to hug Domo-kun and only has one leg because the other was crushed or something...) get together and hug and Domo accidentally bites rabbit on the head and something about a baseball game and pink blueberries and rocks. I have quite the little improv master.
Anyway, there actually are pink lemonade blueberries here.  Sweet girl made friends with the woman that designed and installed the beautiful new outside and she ended up showing her these awesome plants. 

They are quite tasty.  I wish a had a bunch I bet they would make beautiful jam. At my forever house perhaps : )
We (kiddo and I) also got to talking about clothes.  I asked her to draw me a picture of the dress she wants me to make for her.  Well...
Not octopi.  Although I can't see how she wouldn't like a dress covered in octopi.  Those are lovely flowers and three ginormous buttons.  I told her we may have to compromise on the buttons part but I think I can make it work : )
Who says vandalism is only for uneducated vagrants?  I'm going to call it a free educational community art program : D  Can't rely on public schools to keep up on both grammar and(or?) art these days now can we.


favorite pin right this second
because cake. and cash. and frikkin cake. Also, because I could totally see a number of people I know and love, including myself, doing this very thing.  because cake.  man...I'm totally going to have to make a cake and find a tree to eat it under now...

Love it.  Of course I had to go look up that song.  Catchy little tune.  Piss in the wind I will not.


myfm ~ Don't know how anything else could be stuck in my head after hearing that song.  But wait!  Pokey Lafarge takes over.  I got to see/hear him for the first time at MerleFest this year and I get to see him and his people again on Friday!  There is an article in the local paper this week about the guy ~ I like the way he thinks...

“People think, with me, that it’s a dress-up contest or a history project,” says dapper roots musician (and former, albeit briefly, Asheville resident) Pokey LaFarge. “I just choose to look nice. When I dress nice I feel good and hopefully that passes on to other people.”
mhmm. that.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Quick fix ~ Dress from Ashley

I sadly don't have a before picture for this one.  When I get an idea I usually just jump in and forget the world for a little while.

A dear friend of mine sent me this dress but it was way too big when I got it.  That isn't usually enough to stop me from throwing something out so I went to work at it. It was actually pretty simple and I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I got it done.  The bottom was this weird short in the front longer in the back deal which I'm not usually fond of so I just cut that off.  Because it's a knit I didn't have to worry about making a new edge which is another reason knits are awesome.  The top was just way to big.  Even tied it probably would have fallen off (not a lot going on in that area if you know what I mean). 

So, I took out the seam between the top and the skirt.  Originally the top two pieces met in the middle, so I brought them in and overlapped them - better shape and a little more coverage.  The bottom half I just folded over and then sewed it all together again. 

I really love this dress now.  It's comfy and flowy and great for summer.  Thanks Ashley : )

oh yeah, and I made a headband with the bit I cut off of the bottom.  Because that's just what I do. 
myfm ~ Krewella, Alive . This video is so hot.  Can't exactly put my finger on the why, but, hotness.  Cmere Ashley. I have an ugly shirt and a new knife, you can help me make something awesome.  Colorado can live without you for a few weeks.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Kick Ass Dress!

Another tale of instant fabric love.  Randomly walking through the fabric store this one just jumps out at me and yells - I need to be a kick ass dress!  Obviously it knew what it wanted out of life.  Who am I to interfere with that??  On top of that I had just found this amazing vintage lace at my favorite crafty store, Garage 34 and I thought the two would get along fabulously (and they do). 

I actually have been working on this one for awhile.  I had to put it away for awhile because we weren't getting along and I needed some space.  But, we've managed to come to an agreement about what should happen with the back so I went ahead and finished it.    I'm going to say I didn't use a pattern on this one.  I think I started out with one but I had to take one whole piece out (What?) and the top was just figured out so, yes, no pattern for this one : )  I have to say I am pretty impressed with this one.  I've not attempted such an open back before and I love love it.  I think I will add something fun to the top part where it connects but it works for now : )

and the back!

Finished just in time for my Welcome Back party.  Hello all,  I'm back : )

love love this cheesy girl : )
myfm~strangely enough Valentine's Day by Bruce Springsteen.  I've been working on this biography of Mr. Springsteen that I got at work a few months ago and wanted to check out all of this revolutionary music I was reading about.   He has about a million brilliant tunes. I'll probably introduce you to some more again soon.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday randomness

It's raining.
That's an understatement. 

It's jumped the bank again.  Not as bad as last time though.  Let's hope it doesn't reach the bridge and my front porch again.  I know it doesn't look like much but it's at least 6 feet higher than usual right now.


Anyhow ~  We (She did.  I took the first of a few naps) watched Mulan this morning.  Though she claims to not like it (what?!?) she ended up making her very own recreation ~

There she is in her armor.  And Mushu on three cannons (fireworks) that exploded on his booty. 



Somehow they never get it all into the paper though.  Here's what's missing ~

You understand that you can never own love, right? No matter how much someone adores you today, no matter how much you adore someone, you can't force that unique state of grace to keep its shape forever. It will inevitably evolve or mutate, perhaps into a different version of tender caring, but maybe not. From there it will continue to change, into either yet another version of interesting affection, or who knows what else?

Mr. Rob Brenzy, your timing is impeccable. 

This has been my week I guess.  Pin I found this week.  You'll have to excuse my nostalgic tendencies at the moment.  Self has a mind of it's own now and then. (always)
I guess to round out the ridiculous day, I was woken up with Can't Shake You and now it's a ridiculous mashup of that and See You Again.  I'm all about listening to mySelf but it's getting ridiculous.  It is what it is I guess.